


Crossing the Labors' Boundary? An Investigation of Male Workers in Traditional Women's Work




馬財專(Tsai-Chuan Ma);葉郁菁(Yu-Ching Yeh)


性別隔離 ; 性別認同 ; 男子氣概 ; gender segmentation ; gender identity ; masculinity




72期(2008 / 12 / 01)


1 - 48




早期性別角色在傳統勞動市場的研究論述中,男女因性別隔離所產生了僵固化的工作類別。時至今日,當越來越多的男性跨越性別藩籬進入非男性的傳統工作場域之中,便開啟了對適當性別工作傳統認定及觀念的挑戰。因此,現代的勞動市場中,傳統兩性的工作類別疆界之毀壞及相互穿透的現象也越為普遍。從台灣勞動現象的觀察,就從事於傳統女性工作類別的男性工作者而言,男性對於女性傳統的工作領域所產生穿透(infiltration)程度亦有隨之升高的趨勢。 本文透過勞動市場中男、女對於工作場域與類別相互跨越的現象進行考察,探索勞動者在穿越傳統工作概念之後所產生的工作關係與適應。初步發現長期傳統社會化過程對於性別認同的塑造與性別的期待,似乎無法徹底的解消於現代台灣的勞動市場結構之中。此外,從經驗資料的考察與檢視顯示Williams的玻璃手扶梯現象並未明顯的發生於這群受訪的男性勞動者身上。系統化的性別概念似乎仍然作用在多數初入傳統女性勞動職場的男性勞動者身上,並影響著部分勞動者的升遷與發展。當分析勞動者所承載的壓力與其壓力來源的差異時,可發現這群不同職類的勞動者亦透過不同的反應方式,例如透過關係的建立及積極的勞動認同、或與職場中女性勞動者產生保持距離亦或抗拒於勞動過程中。這群勞動者必須透過這些反應來轉化個人在職場上的壓力,並藉以重構其在職場上的社會關係。最後,本文的考察指出台灣傳統社會中普遍存在的男子氣概,在這群男性勞動者從事傳統女性勞動工作歷程中仍然存在隱晦的影響關係。


This paper is concerned with the early research in traditional labor market from gender role. The gender segmentation enhances the occupational division which causes their fixed work in the traditional labor market. Meanwhile, the more male workers crossed the gender boundary to enter the non-traditional male work and this gradual universal situation leads to many challenges in the traditional concept of suitable gender behavior. Therefore, the penetration of occupational categories by gender will increase in modern Taiwan's labor market. This research will concentrate on those men who did women's work and describe the situation of mutual infiltration in their work field. This paper points out the infiltration between male and female workers in workplace enhances the transformation in gender and labor work relationships which restructuralize and operate in Taiwan's labor market. Moreover, we recognize the long-term socialization and the respects creations of gender identification which can not disappear in Taiwan's labor market. By way of the collection of male workers in traditional female work and explores the response of male workers who are engaged in traditional female work. This paper analyzes the possible of interviewees' different pressures and their emergence. By way of those different categories, interviewees rely on the different responses (identification, keep the distance and resistance) and reconstruct the transformation pressure from their labor process. Beside, we indicate the masculinity which undertakes the obscure influence in the labor process.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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