In Taiwan a dramatic metamorphosis of adverts and ad-makers-from commonplace shopsigns produced by low-skilled manual labors to ”creative” cultural works created by professional film-makers-has occurred between 1980 and 1999. This transformation is neither the necessary manifestation of a modern society nor a ”natural” consequence of economic development; instead, it takes place only through symbolic struggles within the field of cultural production. In this paper, the relational mode of analysis will be employed to analyze the strategies of the ”modern” ad-makers that are engaged in struggles of legitimation within the field of cultural production of contemporary Taiwan. We find that advertising in modern Taiwan was legitimated and valorized through the following mechanisms: First, the changing opportunity space brought about by social and economic change outside the advertising industry provides a necessary condition. The opening up of the market of service industries, the rise of television, the establishment of academic courses and programmes concerning advertising, the increased size of the graduate population, and the international recognition of Taiwanese cinema all facilitated the movement to valorize advertising. Second, the institutionalization of various resources, skills, practices, and organizational arrangements by a range of actors in the advertising industry, consolidated in Taiwan in the late 1980s. In the mid 1980s the coincidence of factors described above created the thrust necessary for a turning point in the valorization of advertising. Third, the new development of the field-specific principles-particularly ”creativity”- for evaluating advertisements was fundamental to the symbolic transformation of advertising. ”Creativity” thus gradually became the key stake of advertising field. At the same time, ad-makers and their supporters in Taiwan borrowed a fruitful model from a cognate cultural genre-cinema-pioneered earlier by a recognized group of Taiwanese film-makers. By using this model, they have been able to structure the production teams and work processes of advertising, to guide the framework of cultural criticism of advertising, and to shape the perception of advertising.
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