


The Mass Bases of Populist Democracy in Taiwan




張佑宗(Yu-Tzung Chang)


民粹主義 ; 民粹式民主 ; 垂直課責 ; 水平課責 ; 民主鞏固 ; populism ; populist democracy ; vertical accountability ; horizontal accountability ; democratic consolidation




75期(2009 / 09 / 01)


85 - 113






Populism is an ambiguous and multi-faceted concept. The purpose of this paper is to extract the essence of populism. Mainly, it focus on the characteristics of populist democracy and aim at developing a quantitative index. Based on the data from Asian Barometer survey shows that over 60% of Taiwanese is oriented toward populism democracy and only 20% of them is oriented toward liberal democracy. Further analysis shows that the key determinant of political orientation is neither partisanship nor national identity. Rather, the decisive factor is education attainment. Orientation toward liberal democratic values increases with educational attainment. On the other hand, populist democracy correlates with low educational attainment. In recent years, many scholars argue that the development of populism and the conflict of identity threaten the advancement of democracy in Taiwan. According to this empirical research, there exists a gap between the reality and the perception of these scholars.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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