


Native Nostalgia and Western Retro Historical Imaginations in Taiwan's Popular Media




李依倩(Yi-Chien Lee)


懷舊 ; 復古 ; 歷史記憶 ; 文化資產 ; nostalgia ; retro ; history and memory ; cultural heritage




79期(2010 / 09 / 01)


203 - 258






The nostalgia trend that emerged at the end of the last century has become an important cultural theme in this century. In Taiwan's popular media, there are two major nostalgia themes: the native nostalgia that looks back on the ”old Taiwan” of the 1950's-1980's and the fashion retro that features the 20's-90's Western styles. This paper examines popular texts published in this decade, analyzing the similarities of and differences between the native nostalgia and the Western retro, looking for the forces that help shaping them, and considering the future development of our historical imagination. The findings of this study are as the following: First, with the purpose of reconstructing native subjectivity and history, the native nostalgia emphasizes artifacts, places, traditions, and historical continuity, while the Western retro that is mainly driven by capitalist profit pursuing motives focuses on clearly differentiated periods with unique atheistic elements, symbols, and styles, as well as instant history and fast food memory. Secondly, regardless of nostalgia's and retro's individual motives, the dominant format of contemporary popular print media has a homogenizing effect on the appearances of both types of texts, thus producing numerous glossy images of historical simulacrum. Thirdly, the relationship between the native nostalgia and the Western retro is parallel to that of personal and historical nostalgia; together, they form a hybrid and fragmented topography of the past that points to the potential and the lack of Taiwan's contemporary historical imagination.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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