


Unspeakable Subject and Decontextualized Consent: A Feminist Cultural Analysis on Taiwanese Legal Understanding of Acquaintance Rape




王曉丹(Hsiao-Tan Wang)


強暴 ; 強姦 ; 性侵害 ; 司法審判 ; 經驗法則 ; 法律語言 ; 法律論證 ; 女性主義 ; 女性主義法學 ; 性別與法律 ; 性 ; 性別 ; 性暴力 ; 法律文化 ; rape ; sexual assault ; trial ; criminal procedure ; legal discourse ; legal language ; feminism ; sexuality ; gender ; legal culture




80期(2010 / 12 / 01)


155 - 206






This paper aims to explore Taiwanese legal understanding of rape (focused on the acquaintance rape) based on empirical research on the legal discourses of rape trial. It addresses the issues of ”unspeakable subject” as the rape victim who does not have power to speak out resulting from lacking legal knowledge, inappropriate language setting, patriarchal perception of sexuality and gendered legal reasoning. This paper further identifies the Taiwanese cultural aspect of this matter. On the one hand, there is no culture of ”talking” about sexuality in Taiwan and therefore there is no self-consciousness of interpersonal sexual development. On the other hand, ”violence” and ”power” are often invisible in Taiwanese society as ”harmony” is the centre idea of justice. Based on these two cultural aspects, this paper finds that Taiwanese legal understanding of rape, cantered on the issues of ”consent”, is a decontextualized process and as a result in disempowering rape victims.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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