


They Are Homeless on Their Own Land Examining Indigenous People Reservation Land Policy in Taiwan from "The Movement of Fighting against Asia Cement Corporation"




陳竹上(Jwu-Shang Chen)


反亞泥還我土地運動 ; 原住民保留地 ; 耕作權 ; 非原住民承租權 ; the movement of fighting against Asia Cement Corporation and returning land to indigenous people ; indigenous people reservation land ; cultivation rights ; lease rights for un-indigenous people




77期(2010 / 03 / 01)


97 - 134




1951年,格瓦拉(Ernesto Guevara)的南美大陸之行目睹了自五百年前殖民者登陸以來,這塊土地所承受的種種創傷、苦難、與不義,發出了「他們在自己的土地上無家可歸」的感慨。1973年,一場在花蓮縣秀林鄉太魯閣原住民保留地上的「協調會」,也上演著同樣的故事。恐怕,在全球擁有原住民族的70個國家中,類似的情節也不斷地被重製著。本文試圖經由述說歷經三十餘年的「反亞泥還我土地運動」,呈現出台灣原住民族土地流失的場景、脈絡與軌跡,並藉此檢視我們的「原住民保留地政策」:從具體的條文內容,到這些條文如何受到政商聯盟的運作,以及司法系統的無濟於事,來揭露出法律最後成為國家與財團進駐原住民保留土地之工具的實況。縱使今天國家已經將原住民族權利提升到憲法位階,而原住民族基本法亦已通過,但叢林法則似乎仍舊是發生利益衝突時的支配者。經驗了這些場景,本文並無意嘗試歸結出一些僅能由文字承載卻無法實現的結論與建議,本文的初衷僅在於忠實地述說還我土地自救會成員們曾經在結構勢力的夾縫中奮鬥的歷史,若能有助於關懷者理解工業資本主義「買賣天空、販售大地」的法則,並因此引發一些企圖有所改變的能量,便已相當心滿意足。


In 1951 Ernesto Guevara saw the sufferance of indigenous people on South American Continent from colonial power since five hundred years ago and made the exclamation of ”they are homeless on their own land”. In 1973, the same story was playing on a ”coordination meeting” hold by Asia Cement Corporation in order to rend Taroko indigenous people reservation land in Hualien. I am afraid this kind of story is repeating again and again in the seventy nations where are indigenous people inside. This article is trying to give a picture of how indigenous land keeps on been occupied and exam the ”indigenous people reservation land policy” in Taiwan through describing the experience of ”the movement of fighting against Asia Cement Corporation”. This examination is composed of law text, the combination power of business and politics and the ineffectiveness of judicial system. Finally, this article will discover how the law system has become the tool which helps enterprise to occupy indigenous people reservation land legally. Although ”The Indigenous Peoples Basic Law” has been enacted for the purposes of protecting the fundamental rights of indigenous peoples on 2005 as well as the Constitution Amendment's similar declaration on 2000 in Taiwan, the situation and circumstances seems improved only on the paper. Under this realization this article will not conclude any concrete suggestion only in words. It only hopes to awaken some energy to doubt or challenge the powerful logic of industrial capitalism by telling this story faithfully.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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