


"Back-To-The-Land" the Reconstruction of a Disaster Society




李丁讚(Ding-Tzann Lii)


災難社會 ; 氣候變遷 ; 共有財 ; 土地商品化 ; 大安溪部落工作站 ; 農業 ; 生態 ; 綠色生活圈 ; 人文地理 ; 陰陽五行 ; Disaster Society ; climate change ; common-pool resources ; commodification of land ; The Working Station of Da-an-xi ; agriculture ; ecology ; The Green Life Circle ; human geography ; yin-yang-wu-xieng




78期(2010 / 06 / 01)


273 - 326




近年來,社會各種災難頻傳。以台灣來說,先後就有金融危機、H1N1流感,八八水災等大型災難發生,而且,一個災難可能又引發另一個災難,如水災可能引發政治風暴等。災難似乎逐漸變成人類生活的常態,我們正在進入「災難社會」中。在這種情況下,如果我們把災後重建只看成簡單地恢復過去,一定會陷入「重建-破壞」的無限循環中,無法走出災難社會的魔咒。因此,本文主張,災難社會的重建,必須從結構面整頓,把那些所有讓災難發生的結構根源徹底解除,才能慢慢緩和災難的發生,讓社會復歸正常,而這個結構性的病根就是「土地商品化」。本文透過實證資料,加上陰陽五行的先人智慧,嘗試證明:從金融危機、H1N1、到八八水災等各種災難的發生,其實都與「土地的商品化」有關。也在這個論證基礎上,筆者提出「重回土地」來進行災難社會的重建。 「重回土地」不是回到過去,而是重建未來。筆者以2009年諾貝爾經濟獎得主Elinor Ostrrom所提出的「共有財」概念為基礎,提出新形式的土地使用與管理方式,藉此重新組織農村社會與農業,進而把農村建構成「綠色生活圈」,包括「綠色農場」、「綠色環境」、「綠色消費」、「綠色社群」等。筆者認為,「農村再生條例」必須把農村明確定位為「綠色生活學校」,挹注經費、吸引人才下鄉,投入「綠色生活圈」的建構。城市居民則透過「繳學費」的方式,認養一個鄉村,參與「綠色生活圈」的實踐與建構,體會並學習綠色生活方式,進而把城市也開始綠化。當鄉村與城市都逐漸綠化時,台灣的土地會一寸一寸地活過來,土地上的社會組織與文化傳統,也會開始有機化。我們也因此才能夠進入「永續社會」,揮別「災難社會」。


In recent years, various kinds of disasters take place more and more often. In Taiwan, there occurred three calamities-Financial Tsunami, H1N1, 88 Flood Disaster in a row within a single year of 2009. Moreover, one disaster can create another series of disasters. Flood, for example, can give rise to political turmoil and social conflicts. As a result, disaster is becoming a normal part of our daily life. We are entering a Disaster Society. Under this situation, we could fall into a vicious circle of ”reconstruction-destruction” if we simple see the problem of ”post-disaster reconstruction” as a restoration of the past. Thus, this paper proposes that post-disaster reconstruction move the very structural origins that cause the disasters, i.e. ”the commodification of land.” This paper tries to demonstrate through reviewing empirical studies and Chinese Cosmology that the happening of the various disasters, from Financial Tsunami, H1N1, to 88 Flood Disaster, is indeed related to ”the commodification of land.” A ”Back-to-the-land” theorem is therefore proposed to serve as a way to reconstruct the Disaster Society. ”Back-to-the-land” is not going back to the past, but reconstructing the future. Basing on the concepts ”the common-pool resources” suggested by Elinor Ostrom, the 2009 Nobel Laurel in Economics, I propose a new way of land-use to reorganize our countryside, and establish it as a ”Green Life Circle”-including ”Green Farm”, ”Green Environment”, ”Green Consumption”, ”Green Community”, etc. It is argued that ”The Countryside Regeneration Statute” clearly position countryside as a ”Green Life School” in order to attract talents and resources to flow into the countryside, and make it a ”Green Life Circle.” Urbanites have to adopt a village, and participate in the construction of ”Green Life Circle” through paying ”tuition” to the Green Life Schools. It is hoped that urban people can learn green life style via practices and communication taken place in the countryside. As our cities and countryside turn greener and greener, our land will revive inches by inches, which in turn will revive our social organization an cultural tradition on the land. This is the way that we can get out of the disaster society, and come into the sustainable society.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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