Theoretically or practically, Foucault himself didn't elaborate the ”cultural governance”. Rather, both his main focus and the current literature are linked to the liberalism and neo-liberalism. Without any question, Foucault more or less referred to the government of religion, family, gender and subject, but the ”culture” is eventually excluded from his or mainstream theoretical agenda. Tony Bennett enacted the ”cultural governance” as a research agenda. And in Taiwan, the pilot scholar was Chih-hung Wang. Therefore, logically, the author tries to elaborate the ”cultural governance” based on these three scholars' writings sequentially. In doing so, this article's main problematic is to introspect and criticize the ”cultural governance” as a rising sub-field of cultural studies or sociology in Taiwan.This article concludes that Foucault himself had three distinct but intrinsically related versions of governmentality. Bennett and Chih-hung Wang, based on different intellectual context, theorized two contrasted versions of cultural governance. Bennett actively involved and dialogued with Foucault, his interpretation contrasted the cultural governance with cultural politics and was much more linked to the second version of Foucault. Conversely, Chih-hung Wang, who was trained in urban governance and political economy school, argued that cultural governance and cultural politics is mutual-reference. Accordingly, the author argues that the theorization of cultural governance in Taiwan is blurring and defocusing, unable to the highlight the historical-ness and theoretical connection between culture and governmentality.
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