


The Absence of Men: Matrices of Gender Hierarchy behind Taiwanese Women's Political Participation




姜貞吟(Chen-Yin Chiang)


政治參與 ; 女性 ; 性別 ; 立委選舉 ; 性別階序格局 ; political participation ; women ; gender ; legislative election ; matrices of gender hierarchy




83期(2011 / 08 / 01)


179 - 240






Political participation of women is a starting point in the study of social structure of gender for many researchers. They think that increasing rate of political participation of women signifies the improvement of women's political status. Therefore, they often explain the phenomenon of gender differences and inequalities in political participation. Previous studies often interprets the factors influencing the increase of women's participation nowadays in politics with educational resources, professional skills, modern independence, however, this modernization process can't thoroughly explain why the participation rate of Taiwanese women still has yet to increase significantly. This study is based on the analysis of women legislators ranking from the second to seventh terms with the aim to identify the social conditions of Taiwanese women's participation in politics.The research findings are: (1) Taiwanese women's participation in politics has continually influenced by political families and the factional structures. This has resulted in ”pool of candidates” inner closed network and also led to the exclusion of other women in politics. (2) Although Taiwanese women have a high level of education and professional experience and other modern conditions of human capital, but their political participations are still profoundly limited by the gender frames like men's failure, reluctance, and forbidden to show up. (3) Behind the previous three situations in which men are absent implies the ranking gap of ”matrices of gender hierarchy” existing in the ”candidates pool”. This structure is primarily a screening mechanism based on the political families and local factional power structures, which is made up of kinship, geographical factors and gender politics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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