


Why Working Women Quit? The Mothering Identity and Practices under Structural Constrains




唐文慧(Anna Wen-Hui Tang)


工作與照顧衝突 ; 建制民族誌 ; 選擇差距 ; 照顧者認同 ; 母職實踐 ; work-care conflict ; institutional ethnography ; choice gap ; carers ; identities ; mothering practices




85期(2011 / 12 / 01)


201 - 265






Most of the studies in the past had stressed the disadvantages of mothers in lobor market when encountering work-care conflict from a structural point of view. Yet, this research, adopting narrative method and institutional ethnography perspective, explores and analyzes the identity construction and action of middle-class mothers under the same situation from a different viewpoint. Through interviews with 15 stay-at-home mothers, it is found that they identified themselves' choice to quit is a voluntary one, while we argued that it is a choice gap under structural constrains. They would practise intensive mothering in order to preserve the social image of a good mother. Meanwhile, to avoid social stigma as a traditional housewife, they would also work part-time or as a volunteer which helps establish positive self-identification. Yet, on the other hand, it is worth noting that this action has consolidated the traditional gender roles as well as encourages low state intervention on child care. This paper emphasized the group of middle-class mothers' real voices should be taken into account seriously by the public child care policy makers and activists in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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