


Citizenship Arrangement for Families of Taiwanese Expatriates with Chinese Spouses




鄧建邦(Jian-Bang Deng)


跨境婚姻 ; 大陸配偶 ; 台籍幹部 ; 移民 ; 公民身分 ; Transnational Marriage ; Mainland Chinese Brides ; Taiwanese Expatriates ; Migration ; Citizenship




87期(2012 / 06 / 01)


173 - 215






Marriage migration is an important phenomenon of international migration. Its rapid increase has to do with the development of capitalism and the ever increasing rate of cross-border movements in a larger context of globalization. In the past few years, the phenomenon of mainland Chinese brides has become increasing common and attracted much attention from the media and the public forums in Taiwan. However, statistics show that a great number of Chinese brides do not choose to reside in Taiwan. This is the case especially for those who are married to Taiwanese expatriates in China.This paper tries to give a more comprehensive understanding about why most Chinese spouses of Taiwanese expatriates choose to reside in China instead of Taiwan and how citizenship is arranged for families of Taiwanese expatriates with Chinese spouses. Result shows that there are three major types of citizenship arrangements chosen by Chinese spouses, which are 1) changing from a rural to an urban hukou (household registration), 2) remaining inherited urban hukou and 3) remaining inherited rural hukou. However, both Taiwanese expatriates and most of their Chinese spouses do not give up their inherited Taiwanese or PRC citizenship. Citizenship for Taiwanese expatriates with Chinese spouses becomes therefore a family-based ”dual citizenship” arrangement. The reason for Chinese spouses to maintain their PRC citizenship is mainly because of the opportunity for changing from a rural to obtain an urban hukou during the migratory process in the marriage with Taiwanese expatriates, which represents a personal upward mobility as a result of the great urban-rural differential treatment in China.The author suggests that the marriage of Taiwanese expatriates with Chinese spouses should be termed as transnational, instead of cross-border, marriage, which emphasizes marriage migrants as active agents in the migration process. Therefore the strategic attitude of Taiwanese expatriates and their Chinese spouses toward citizenship arrangement as means of cultural capital accumulation can be understood.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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