


Dwaduedia Heterotopias Exploring "the Foucault Question" in the Hundred Years' Urban History with Cultural Flâneur




石計生(C. S. Stone Shih)


大稻埕 ; 臺灣歌謠 ; 異托邦 ; 福科問題 ; 閒逛者 ; 地理資訊系統 ; 夢址 ; 城市文化 ; dwaduedia ; taiwanese ballad ; heterotopias ; the foucault question ; flâneur ; geographic information systems ; dream sites ; urban culture




88期(2012 / 09 / 01)


41 - 88






To consider ”Dwaduedia” as our research object as mainly performing area for Taiwanese ballad, this paper focused on the urban culture complexities in the Taipei three cities region's process becoming a ”heterhotopias” via the realization of the Foucault Question. After debating with other theorists, I add one supplementary principle into the original six principles developed by Foucault. That is, we discover ”heterotopias” are places strolling and seeing, by flâneur in where inspired our space imagination to recognize the importance of counter sites, juxtaposing sites and dream sites and their relations to the Dwaduedia urban spaces. Dream sites are places being intentionally divided or excluded by the state's power, flâneur is the only actor who can find the correspondences of heterotopias in those spaces. Other findings are that as ”the islander” s street' and ”the old quarter in Taipei”, Dwaduedia is not only a culture historical site full of punctum, such as the site for performing Taiwanese ballad, but also contains different dynamics of spaces for developing the ”selfspace” consciousness for Taiwanese identification.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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