This paper argued that changes in the academic climate from 2006 to 2011 was related to the ”Program Evaluation” to the universities in Taiwan, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and executed by the Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan. This study interviewed 23 sociology-related faculties (through focus groups and individual interviews) as research objects, and used Neo-institutionalism theory to figure out how the Program Evaluation event transformed into a austere institution. This research found that the Program Evaluation, which was at first based on neo-liberalist concept of ”accountability”, on the one hand invited the professional scholars as subjective peer reviewer, on the other hand built a set of objective index to guide the professional. As a result, an ”institutionalized evaluation” emerged, with ambiguous ends and clear-cut means. The institutionalized evaluation with objective scoring indexes then was be copied into the universities' internal review institution to evaluate their teachers. As a result, an ”evaluationalized institution” emerged with comprehensive, regular, and quantitative rating sanctions. This formation process of a new institutional environment forced the faculty to pursue the specific publication efficiency instead of following the traditional teacher-pupil ethics.
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