This paper proposes to explore, on the epistemological level, how the problem of language restricts de Tracy's Ideology and Marx's concept of ideology, and how Kant's Critical philosophy influences upon the development of this issue. These three problematics, based separately on the idea (de Tracy), the subject (Kant) and the reality (Marx), represent the trajectory of the western knowledge from the classical to the modern period. De Tracy establishes Ideology on the basis of language, yet he equates language with idea and treats language as transparency, this pre-modern conception of language can't sustain the science that he wants to create. Although Kant's philosophy overcomes the limits of the classical episteme, his problematic is reposed on a transcendental subject, not on the language. It causes that not only the modern human sciences are based on a contradictory and unstable ground, but also cover the internal relation between the language and ideology. From the division of labor existed in the reality, Marx inverts the problematic of Kant. He understands the importance of language for the theory of ideology, but under the historical constrains, he can't advance to the core of this issue, although he touches this problem in discussing the concept of fetishism. Finally, this paper tries to explain that language is not only the condition of possibilities of the ideology, but the approach of entering the symbolic dimension and the unconscious. These two aspects enlarge and deepen the content of ideology, and provide another way for understanding the mechanism of ideology.
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