
都市自然的治理與轉化 新北市二重疏洪道


The Governance and Transformation of Urban Natures-The Case of Erchong Floodway in New Taipei City


王志弘(Chih-Hung Wang);林純秀(Chun-Hsiu Lin)


自然 ; 自然治理 ; 疏洪道 ; 綠地 ; 水岸 ; nature ; nature governance ; floodway ; green area ; waterfront




92期(2013 / 09 / 01)


35 - 71






This paper aims to explore the relationship between the governance of urban natures and the urban transformation. Using Erchong Floodway in New Taipei City as an example, this paper adopts the perspective of urban political ecology which focuses on the co-evolution of city and nature to delineate how this landscape changed from agricultural nature to a floodway that controls floods. The landscape later turned into peripheral wilderness where lower class used for recreation. However, as middle class residents concerned the safety issue and the competition among cities accelerated the renewal of Taipei metropolis, Erchong Floodway started to become the object of new green governance. It appeared as a purified recreational area with riverside parks, sports facilities and bike paths. It also materialized the ecological-nature ideal of environmentalist groups. Recently, the construction of the MRT and expressways and real estate development resulted from the readjustment of lands and urban renewal have helped to transform Erchong Floodway into the Taipei Metropolitan Central Park which has contributed to the gentrification of nearby area. In short, the landscape changed its meaning and function with the demands for collective consumption, gentrification, and the emergence of urban environmentalism. And the mechanism of inclusion/exclusion that resides in the transformation demands us to critically examine the new green governance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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