


Democracy as an Art of Government-Knowledge, Technique and Subjectification


吳彥明(Yen-Ming Wu)


民主 ; 治理性 ; 知識 ; 技藝 ; 主體化 ; democracy ; governmentality ; knowledge ; technique ; subjectification




97期(2014 / 12 / 01)


111 - 174




傅柯一系列的權力概念,例如知識、規訓、維安、佈署、治理性、主體化,不應僅侷限於性/別、醫學、軍事、殖民體制等這些形式上比較負面的討論,權力經常狡猾地介入與隱藏於我們標示為正面意義的人事物之中,「民主」就是一個免疫的例子。我將著重於「民主作為一種治理的藝術」這個面向,將民主視為一種由知識、技藝與主體化所構成「民主複合體」(democratic complex):首先,民主不只是一種政治菁英擘劃的政治議程,它更是一種確立、劃界與定義如何思考民主的專家/知識體系。其次,民主不只是一種文化,更是一種由治理技藝打造的技術物,它既是治理的手段也是治理的目的。最後,與其說民主的正當性基礎是公民,我們必須將民主視為一種將人民轉化為民主主體的權力投資。


The critical concepts in Foucault's oeuvre, like savoir, discipline, police, deployment, governmentality and subjectification, are usually applied to the analysis of gender, medicine, military or colonial apparatus. Inevitably, however, power insinuate into a variety of fields we labeled as positive. Democracy is indeed the example. In this article, the author tries to elaborate democracy as an art of government, which means democracy is a democratic complex constitued by knowledge, technique and subjectification. First, rather than as the political agenda set by political elites, we should take democracy as the forms of knowledge formulated by expertise that valorize, delimit and certificate the problematics of democracy. Second, more than delineates it as culture, we suppose democracy as an artifact fabricated by governmental techniques. Last, but not least, citizens are more as the democratic subjects invested by democracy than as the legitimacy of democracy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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