
勞動法律的身分限制及改革 一個人權觀點的檢視


Constraints on the Entitlement to Labor Laws in Taiwan and a Call for Reforms from the Perspective of Human Rights


張晉芬(Chin-Fen CHANG)


人權 ; 勞動權 ; 《勞動基準法》 ; 僱用型態 ; 全球化資本主義 ; 再生產勞動 ; 《經濟社會文化權利國際公約》 ; human rights ; labor rights ; Labor Standards Act ; employment status ; capitalism under globalization ; reproduction labor ; International Covenant on Economic ; Social and Cultural Rights




102期(2016 / 03 / 31)


75 - 113






Due to the constraints of entitlements of worker's status, even though labor laws, such as Labor Standards Act, provide basic labor rights, many workers are not eligible to be covered by the Act in Taiwan. This paper argues that the establishment of Labor Standards Act and other affiliated laws are originally designed for the interests of full-time, formal employees hired by one employer; especially for male workers in the manufacturing industry. Under the paradigm of class relations in industrial capitalism, non-regular workers (including day labors, family business workers, dispatched workers, and part-time workers), exempted employees, and those covered by other than labor insurance are excluded from the application of Labor Standards Act. The practice of the labor laws ends serving for only part of the working class. This paper argues that labor rights are human rights and should be applied to all the employed workers, not limited by their employment status or nationalities. Under the development of global capitalism employment flexibility has been abused by capitalists in many creative ways. General working conditions of standard workers are deteriorating. Most workers can hardly stay in one position or even one employment status in their life-long career. The turnovers between standard and non-standard status, between self-employed and being employed, in job markets and unemployed or withdrawing from labor markets are becoming more frequent. Labor is facing more and more hazards in their career without institutional support for them to avoid falling into no job or no income. The state should provide basic economic and social rights to all workers regardless of their employment status, nationalities, and production or reproduction role. The results will also fulfill the commitments of Taiwanese government to sign up International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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