
中國的大豆危機 「現代化」的邏輯及話語權抗爭


China's Soybean Crisis The Logic of Modernization and Its Discontents


嚴海蓉(YAN Hairong);陳義媛(CHEN Yiyuan);古學斌(KU Hok Bun)


食品安全 ; 轉基因安全 ; 話語權 ; 消費者權利 ; 食物主權 ; food security ; GMO safety ; discursive power ; consumer rights ; food sovereignty




104期(2016 / 09 / 30)


149 - 182




萊斯特.布朗(Lester R. Brown)在1995年發出警告:誰來養活中國?在此背景下,本文考察了中國大豆產業的巨大變遷:直到1990年代中期,中國還是一個大豆(也稱黃豆)的淨出口國,而自2000年開始,中國成為了全世界最大的轉基因大豆進口國。隨著中國大豆進口的激增,國內的大豆生產急劇下跌,導致了中國「大豆產業危機」的疾呼。本文考察了關於中國大豆進口的不同解釋話語,以及與之相關的一系列爭論和批判性反思,這些爭論和反思的焦點是中國在全球化中的地位、國家在食物安全中的作用、轉基因食品的安全性、消費者權利、何謂科學權威以及跨國企業的權力。在這些爭論中,中國的批判者對美國和南美這兩大向中國出口轉基因大豆的主要生產區有相當不同的看法。


Lester Brown sounded an alarm in 1995: who will feed China? Against this backdrop, this article examines China's dramatic turn from having been a soybean net exporter, up until the mid-1990s, to the biggest importer of genetically- modified (GM) soybeans since 2000. With China's growing soybean imports, domestic soybean production has experienced a drastic fall, creating an outcry of "soybean crisis" in China. This article examines competing interpretations about China's soybean imports and how a wide range of heated debates and critical reflections have emerged about China's position in globalization, the role of the state in food security, safety of GM foods, consumer rights, what constitutes scientific authority, and the power of transnational corporations. In these debates, Chinese critics have very different views about the US and South America, where significant GM soybeans are produced for export to China.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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