
第二套住房選擇與社會正義 以上海為例


Second Home Housing Choice and Social Justice in Shanghai


宋郁玲(Yu-Ling SONG)


第二套住房 ; 住宅選擇 ; 中產階級 ; 社會正義 ; 深度訪談 ; 上海 ; second home ; housing choice ; middle class ; social justice ; in-depth interview ; Shanghai




104期(2016 / 09 / 30)


59 - 102




1998年以來,中國住宅呈現商品化現象,亦即住宅的價值超越了居住的功能,越來越多人購買二間或以上的住宅。在2010年,中國國務院頒布「新國十條」,開始對購買第二套及以上住宅者,進行貸款限制。於是,中國政府在面對住宅市場過熱、甚至引發泡沫風險之時,首波打房政策整治的對象,就瞄向了「中產階級」,使社會不正義的責備指向了這個群體,形成社會整體卸責的結果。在這樣的背景下,本文擇定上海作為研究區域,針對2009-2010年期間在上海擁有「第二套住房」的20位上海人,進行半結構式深度訪談、主題分析(thematic analysis),以及描述統計分析,探討中國在住房改革十年來的政策結構下,這些已擁有「第二套住房」或者還在籌畫購屋的中產階級,當他們選擇「第二套住房」時,會形成什麼樣的敘事?而這些敘事,能否顯現出他們差異的空間經驗,進而翻轉其社會不正義的標籤?本文更追問,最終不正義的社會責任,又將由誰承擔?最後,本研究發現,現有論述對於「第二套住房」業主的責備,並無法積極解決不正義的現狀,而社會結構所造成的壓迫恐怕才是主因,此不僅表現在弱勢階層,也同樣讓看似無罪的中產階級捲入邪惡之渦。本研究分析表明,這種集體邪惡,係由社會結構和參與者共同創造,一旦責備失焦,將造成真正涉入者得以卸責、無罪,社會結構的壓迫性無異更為嚴峻。而本文所提「集體責任」的積極觀點,將有利於導入並作為扭轉不正義的契機。


Since 1998, along with housing commercialization, owning a second home has become more and more prevalent in China. However, the owners of second homes, generally seen as the middle class, became the target of a new wave of housing policies which aimed at curbing the estate speculation. Putting the blame of social injustice on the middle class, this resulted in the collective relief of responsibility. To critically reflect on this situation, the paper selected Shanghai as its study area, with the fieldwork carried out during the summer time in 2009-2010. Twenty interviewees who owned second homes were selected through the snowballing sampling and semi-structured in-depth interviews were undertaken with them. By using the thematic and descriptive statistics analysis to explore what kind of narratives would be constructed when second home owners made their housing choice, the paper seeks to ask what kinds of different spatial experiences could be revealed by these narratives and who should really take the social responsibility for spatial injustice. This study finds that the blame on second homes' middle class owners is incapable of actively resolving the existing injustice, for the oppression from social structure is the main reason, which not only affects the vulnerable social classes but also pulls the seemingly innocent middle class into the vortex of evil. This study shows that this collective evil of spatial injustice is co-constructed by social structure and those who participated in it. Therefore a blame which misses this point would relieve the real culprits of their responsibilities. This paper proposes the concept of "collective responsibility" as a more effective way to reverse the injustice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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