


From Literary Revolution to Cultural Cold War: Hou Chien and New Humanism across the Taiwan Strait


王智明(Chih-Ming WANG)


侯健 ; 新人文主義 ; 民生文學說 ; 冷戰分斷 ; 國共內戰 ; Hou Chien ; New Humanism ; Thesis on Literature for Life ; Cold War Division ; the Chinese Civil War




105期(2016 / 12 / 31)


61 - 101






This article is an attempt to rethink the Cold War discourse in the West by injecting a discussion of the Chinese Civil War as its constitutive experience. It focuses on the work of Hou Chien, a Chinese literary critic in Taiwan, as an entry point for linking the Cold War and the Chinese Civil War with the aim of understanding the Division System across the Taiwan Strait and beyond. It contends that the Division System is built upon both the Cold War and the Chinese Civil War, and therefore an understanding of how the Civil War was- and still is being-fought across the Taiwan Strait is crucial to the critique of Cold War discourse in the West. More specifically, it regards Hou's New Humanist work in the 1970s as intersecting with the dual-war structure to project a "Chinese" future that will be built upon a critical reflection of the modernity legacy in the West. Reading Hou's works in literary criticism within this geopolitical context also suggests the possibility of understanding the political character of New Humanism in the dual contexts of the Cold War cross-Taiwan Strait politics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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