


The Vulnerability of Eldercare: Bodies, Affects, and Ethical Dilemmas in China's Nursing Homes


吳心越(Xinyue WU)


養老院 ; 照顧工作 ; 骯髒工作 ; 性別 ; 市場化改革 ; 城鄉區隔 ; nursing home ; care work ; dirty work ; gender ; market reform ; rural-urban divide




110期(2018 / 08 / 31)


1 - 36






Based on ethnographic research in two nursing homes in Jiangsu Province, this paper describes the work situations of the care workers. Reflecting upon the concept of "dirty work," I argue that in contemporary China, where economic development and vitality become the dominant social values, the declined and disabled elders in nursing homes are generally regarded as dirty and contaminated, thus stuck in a paradoxical condition: they are being cared but in a zone of social abandonment. The current elderly care work mainly relies on a group of middle-aged and elderly women which are called "anties", who have been confined to the bottom during the social transformation. The precarious conditions of those underclass care workers must be understood in the context of China's socialist market reform, rural-urban divide and gender politics, which shape their identities and care practices, and vice versa. Furthermore, the affective, bodily experiences, and the ethical dilemmas in care practices reveal the vulnerability of eldercare, which may lead to deprivation, even violence.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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