


Indigenous Social Work in Disaster: A Study of Indigenous Peoples' Experiences of Emergency Relocation after Typhoon Morakot


林津如(Chin-ju LIN)


莫拉克颱風 ; 建制民族誌 ; 原住民族社會工作 ; 災難社會工作 ; 文化能力 ; 文化安全 ; Typhoon Morakot ; institutional ethnography ; social work for indigenous people ; disaster social work ; cultural competence ; cultural safety




110期(2018 / 08 / 31)


37 - 89






Why has the disaster relocation policy, ideal in the official eyes, become the worst experience for the indigenous people? By looking into indigenous people's experiences of emergency relocation after Typhoon Morakot, this article asks what are the spirit and method of indigenous social work? What kinds of cultural competences are needed when working with the indigenous people? This paper adopts institutional ethnography as the research method to investigate the break between indigenous people's real needs and social work practices at the post-disaster relocation site. The research finds that the workers in the relocation site constructed the welfare needs of the indigenous people with their managerial thinking and Buddhist culture. Indigenous people were treated by cultural unsafe practices. During the process, they were stigmatized as "vulnerable victims", "welfare dependents", "the religious other", "the barbarous other", "environmental destroyers", "the unhealthy other", "obedient worshipers", and "urban wonders". They became victims of racial discrimination and the object of social work. To counter racial discrimination, the paper argues that on the base of indigenous collective cultural rights, indigenous peoples (a) would need time and space to achieve collective autonomy of self-governing and self-determination, (b) should have the right to choose to stay in the traditional territory and temporary emergence relocation after disaster, and (c) should have the right to be consulted by any state policies taking place. The research finds that the state replaced cultural autonomy with social welfare after Typhoon Morakot. Moreover, the social welfare system placed indigenous people as the object of social work in the relocation policy. This paper advocates that elements of cultural competences should be based on cultural safety, anti-racial discrimination and respect for the collective cultural right of the indigenous people.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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