


A Rediscovery of the "Media Disorder": Reassessing a Social Consensus


魏玓(Ti WEI)


批判論述分析 ; 媒體批評 ; 媒體亂象 ; 社會共識 ; critical discourse analysis ; media criticism ; media disorder ; social consensus




110期(2018 / 08 / 31)


91 - 123






A problem of the media generally called "media disorder" has been a "consensus" of Taiwanese society over the past two decades. This consensus has not only directed the entire society how to understand the local media issues, but also led to the solution to the problem and the ways of reform. The article considers the "media disorder" as a social discourse constructed in a specific historical and spatial context. It aims to explore the significance and implication of the discourse of "media disorder" by an appropriate historical review and to understand the issues more accurately. Only the discourse of "media disorder" being thoroughly reexamined then the central problem of Taiwan's media could be resolved. The article finds that the "media disorder" was actually constructed by the conceptual glasses of "ideal media" manufactured by the Western societies and the discourse of "media disorder" has formed a kind of "doxa" around the local society without questions and debates. It needs to create a competitive field of opinion to make changes possible. By clarifying the realities behind the social consensus can we seek a breakthrough solution.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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