


Eugenic Evolution and Changes in Crime and Punishment: Removing Statute of Limitations for Sex Offenses


許雅斐(Yafei HSU)


妨害風化 ; 優生學 ; 進化論 ; 法益 ; 性價值 ; 性交易第三方 ; contra bonos mores (sex offenses) ; eugenics ; evolutionism ; legal good ; sexual values ; third parties working in the sex trade




113期(2019 / 08 / 31)


1 - 34






Modern criminal codes demonstrate that political decisions about negative sexuality are the core of sexual offense legislation. "Contra bonos mores"(sexual offenses) are thought as crime because they are harmful to the moral welfare of society. Indeed, the concept of gross indecency has much to do with the eugenics and evolution theory of the 19th century. Under the premise that ethnic genes are the "excellent" genetic basis, each family must inherit (excellent) blood and promote the progress of the national society. A complete reform of the laws concerning sex and sexuality was introduced on November 23, 1973. The reform was driven by the changing views about sexual morality in society, which rapidly ousted the traditional longstanding assessments about wrongdoing with respect to sexual conduct. In the 19th century, the relevant section was named "Offenses against Morality"(Straftaten wider die Sittlichkeit). In 1973, it was renamed as "Offenses against Sexual Autonomy," to reflect the objective of these rules, which is to protect the rights of individuals, and not morality. The new sexual-political landscape braced for a major historical shift reflected the demarcation line of state protection. This article will take the decriminalization process of the third party in sex trade in Germany as an example to shed light on the inquiry of the changing regulatory policies in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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