Nang-gang Village, Guoxing, Nantou, a small village but with the highest deer antler yields on village base in Taiwan, had close kinship and intimate networks for raising deer, which has been broken down in the wake of a devastating earthquake in 1999. "Ordinary ethics" research in anthropology has demonstrated that people are in a position to ask themselves an existential question of why they end up being here, and this is an ethical moment when people need to stop and consider how to act ethically in order to make the world inhabitable again. It focuses on the everydayness where people can incubate hope and action to alternate from violence and danger, and yet it is not the everydayness that was similar to normalcy loud claims demanded to return back to after the earthquake, but a world that people would work on, perform certain practice, and develop a new existential ethics. On the other hand, needless to say, a reflective subjectivity is made possible by disciplinary regime and moral norms in a Foucauldian sense. Subjects enact her freedom to act under the truth regime, but are certain to experience tensions, conflicts and ambiguities from within and without, when making a better living world. Taking cues from ordinary ethics research, this article shows two paths villagers in Nang-gang Village have materialized to rebuild their disrupted world thanks to natural disaster and man-made measures. One is what I call a (re)fashioning of changing world from old modes of activities; the other is to create new ways of raising deer to meet new challenges, whether it is a community-oriented economy, or it is a profit-driven business. I aim from these two paths to demonstrate the negotiations, struggles, and attunements villagers have grappled with in making themselves into a new ethically appropriate daily life not only in the eyes of themselves, but also for others.
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