


To Be a Hard-Working Citizen: An Institutional Ethnographic Study of the Employment Discourse for People with Disability


葉琇姍(Hsiu-Shan YEH)


工作福利 ; 生命歷程 ; 身心障礙者 ; 職業重建 ; 庇護工場 ; workfare ; life course ; persons with disabilities ; vocational rehabilitation ; sheltered workshop




114期(2019 / 12 / 31)


147 - 194






To promote the employment of persons with disabilities (PWD) is an important social policy issue worldwide. The goal of welfare reform since 1980 in advanced countries has been to reduce welfare dependency by moving people from welfare to work. Without an urgent pressure to reform the welfare system, Taiwan has introduced supported employment services in the 1990s and has endeavored to promote the employment of PWD. However, the situation for PWD has not improved. On the one hand, the welfare services system tries to solve this problem; on the other hand, the rights advocates for PWD seek to deconstruct the problem. This study aims to explore why PWD families prioritized getting jobs instead of other services for the PWD career planning. Based on interviews with PWD families and professionals, the author analyzes how the government, special education system, experts and professionals create the atmosphere in which PWD families must not refuse to get jobs. Those actions also exclude the possibility for developing other service discourses and lead PWD families to believe that the PWD should act as good and hardworking citizens. The study suggests that we should challenge the real meaning of employment and deconstruct the structures for families making decisions. The PWD families will benefit from this change to participate and to be integrated into the society. The professionals should also change the discourse of judging PWD based on paid employment. All these actions can finally contribute to creating multiple and proper services for PWD.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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