


Manufacturing "Small Farmers" in the Emerging New Crop Economy of Quinoa? The Indigenous Communities Having Difficulties in Industrializing Farming in the Context of Post-Disaster Recovery


黃舒楣(Shu-Mei HUANG);張宇忻(Yu-Hsin CHANG);胡哲豪/Valagas Gadeljeman(Che-Hao HU)


災後重建 ; 原住民 ; 社群韌性 ; 小農 ; 紅藜 ; 莫拉克颱風 ; 自然-社會技術組合 ; post-disaster recovery ; Indigenous people ; community resilience ; small farmers ; red quinoa ; Typhoon Morakot ; natural-sociotechnical arrangement




119期(2021 / 08 / 31)


1 - 65






More than a decade has passed since the 2009 Typhoon Morakot. Several thousand Indigenous people were forced to accept collective relocation given the disastrous effects of the typhoon. This research examines how the displaced Indigenous people adapt their livelihood strategies to the new normal driven by recovery, with a focus on the emerging interest in growing red quinoa as a new crop economy. It raises questions about how the Indigenous farmers participate in the crop economy while they are mostly lacking access to farmlands after relocation? How have the Indigenous farmers responded to the challenges of meeting the demand and the unstable price as a result of competition? This research investigates the complicated movements, competitions, and internal conflicts. It sees the particular farming away from home in the context of post-disaster recovery as a natural-sociotechnical arrangement and examines the practices in which the technique is performed in general and looks into the contract-farming of quinoa growing in Indigenous townships in particular. Eventually, it calls into question the construction of the imagined "small farmers" by the market as shaped by the particular contract farming.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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