Modern-day criminal codes will reveal that the policy behind sexual offense legislation is the negative perception of sexual autonomy. According to Johannes Brüggemann, the most important change of sexual criminal law arose from the definition of fornication. In the early 1970s, fornication meant to include any extramarital sexual intercourse between at least two persons and any activity of a sexual character for the purpose of seduction. According to this definition, Kanwischer believed it suited a general morality, which equated sexual relations to harm. However, as sexual autonomy increasingly became a dominant facet of society, the principle of protection of legal goods was used to define the boundary of sexual crimes. In 1973, it was a settled belief that criminal law served the purpose of realizing the common good and legal peace by protecting legal goods. The state may, in this view, exercise its power solely to protect freedoms and rights and should it use its power for a contrary purpose, then a breach over the constitutionality of laws will transpire. It is stressed that immoral behavior must not be punished for its own sake, but rather only for the infringement of a legal right. This view brought about a change in the sexual-political landscape and consequently a major historical shift, which demarcated the line in the state's protection of legal goods. In this respect, the experience in Germany may serve as an important lesson for criminal legislation in Taiwan, where Article 231 of The Criminal Code remains under the title "Offenses against Sexual Morality." This research seeks not only to build on existing work in this field but also to shift emphasis to sexual autonomy and its relation to the legal framework. Therefore, the shifting boundaries of the principle of legal goods in Germany will be a significant point for this research.
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