


From Community to Enterprise Collective: The Transformation and Development of "Village Collective" in Huaxi and Liede from the Perspective of Spatial Practice


楊一萌(Yimeng YANG)


共同體 ; 村集體 ; 企業集體 ; 空間實踐 ; 鄉村發展 ; community ; village collective ; enterprise collective ; spatial practice ; rural development




121期(2022 / 04 / 30)


43 - 89






Looking into the cases of "Huaxi Village" and "Liede Village" in China, this article tries to analyze how the transformation of the "village collectives" emerges under different political economic contexts, what spatial strategies they adopt to sustain the collective practice and promote the development of the villages in response to different political economic conditions, and what crises exist. This article argues that "village collectives" practice in the form of "enterprise collectives", and that "space" is a comprehensive perspective to examine the logic of their practice. First, the autonomy of the "village collective" enterprises in the state-led urban-rural development is related to their geographical conditions. The collective practices of Huaxi and Liede need to be understood within the spatial context of industrialization in southern Jiangsu and "urban villages" in Guangzhou. Second, the "village collectives" rely on collective economic performance as a manifestation of their governance legitimacy, and the economic efficiency of space becomes an important consideration in their practice. Thus, the "village collectives" of Huaxi and Liede have been competing for space on the basis of profitability, negotiating with "neighboring villages", municipalities, and developers. Finally, the cultural construction of space, as collective symbolic capital, is also involved in the corporate practices of the "village collectives". It not only contributes to the accumulation of political capital and consolidates the autonomy of collective practices, but also directly supports the performance growth of the collective economy. This article concludes that the entrepreneur-ialization of "village collectives" and its shift to an exclusive interest community inevitably leads to spatial differentiation and social exclusion, as well as facing crises of capital accumulation and legitimacy. In order to move towards the sustainable development of the village community, we need to rethink the issue of spatial justice in the practice of "village collectives".

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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