


Struggling for the Authentic Being: Transsexual Narratives of The Chen Story and Its Embodied Sex/Gender Consciousness


王孝勇(WANG Hsiao-Yung)


批判語藝 ; 《珍的故事》 ; 恐同 ; 跨性者 ; 變性敘事 ; critical rhetoric ; The Chen Story ; homophobia ; transsexual ; transsexual narratives




125期(2023 / 08 / 31)


67 - 125




本研究旨在探索台灣第一位出櫃的跨性者「珍」,如何在其變性敘事中體現關乎性身分與性慾望的性/別意識。《珍的故事》是台灣首次出版的原發性變性慾者之自傳,更對1980年代變性醫療的建制化有著重大影響。研究發現,珍的變性敘事在多處確實複製著主流的性/別價值觀,包括恐同與異性戀中心論。但其唯意志論的命名語藝則在某種程度上彰顯出所謂的「女人」、「真女」,本就是一個定義範疇不穩定且無法整全的約定俗成。「酷兒化的順性愛」和「順性化的酷兒情」更挑戰了同性戀、異性戀的直接聯想與性/別設定。對此本研究指出,珍在其術前、術後以假做真、當「珍」就好的肉身物質性、皮膚自我觀、本質本體感,除了揭櫫主流性/別邏輯的排他性、有限性與缺乏彈性,更直指縱使跨性者得以「做」一個有別於出生時被編派的不同的性/別,也難以企及真正的、真實的歸屬和安居。跨性者作為性少數,其所體現的毋寧乃是從來就沒有確切字義(literal)的性身分、缺乏適切社會命名的性慾望,亦無法輕言被歸類的中間(in-between)尷尬的身體錯置狀態。《珍的故事》所體現的性/別意識,正在這個看似隱晦曖昧實則昭然若揭的文本空間裏,展現出McKerrow批判語藝(critical rhetoric)所述的支配與自由批判並陳之聲/身/生。


This essay aims to explore transsexual narratives of sexual identity and sexual desire in The Chen Story and to elaborate the embodied sex/gender consciousness. The Chen Story is the first transsexual autobiography written by a male-to-female (MTF) transsexual "Chen", who came out and self-proclaimed (instead of being diagnosed) as the primary transsexualism. This critical case also had a major impact on the institutionalization of gender-affirming hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery in Taiwan in the 1980s. This essay found that Chen's transsexual narratives indeed reproduced and reinforced the existing sex/gender ideology frequently in her rhetoric, including homophobia and heteronormativity. However, the volitionalist and nominalist rhetoric of Chen meticulously resituated the so-called "woman" and "authentic womanhood" as equally constructive and no more essentialist. Furthermore, "queering straight sex" and "straightening out gay sex" as two different but related sex/gender tactics reciprocally problematized the literalization of homosexuality and heterosexuality. Based on the research findings, this essay argues that the somatic material, skin ego, and proprioception of Chen's pre-and post-operational body could indicate the exclusivity, limitation, and inflexibility of the mainstream sex/gender matrix. This means that transsexual's struggling for the authentic being was doomed to be informed at all points by the impossibility and failure of a longing for home, social belonging, and social acceptability. This essay concludes that transsexual as the specific sexual minority, zir sexed embodiment might enact the literal ambivalence of cross-sexual identity, an uncatalogued cross-sexual desire, and in-between intermediacy of bodily displacement. The Chen Story and its critical rhetoric performed the critique of domination and that of freedom practically in this seemingly insidious but deployable textual space.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學