
Diseases of Important Crops, a Review of the Causal Fastidious Prokaryotes and Their Insect Vectors






張宗仁(C. J. Chang);石憲宗(H. T. Shih);蘇秋竹(C. C. Su);詹富智(F. J. Jan)


營養苛求原核生物 ; 半翅目昆蟲 ; 柑橘黃龍病 ; 藍莓細菌性葉緣焦枯病 ; 螺旋菌質體 ; 植物菌質體 ; 褐透翅尖頭葉蟬 ; 葡萄皮爾斯病 ; 柑橘斑駁黃化病 ; Candidatus Liberibacter spp. ; fastidious prokaryotes ; Xylella fastidiosa ; Ca. Liberibacter spp ; spiroplasmas ; phytoplasmas ; Huanglongbing ; Hemiptera ; glassy-winged sharpshooter ; Pierce's disease of grape ; citrus variegated chlorosis ; bacterial leaf scorch of blueberry




21卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


1 - 10




植物病原微生物中有一群營養苛求原核生物,此群病原細菌無法在一般細菌性培養基生長或者須在含特殊成份或豐富複合配方之培養基才能生長。有些專一棲息於植物導管組織內如Xylella fastidiosa、Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli、L. xyli subsp. cynodontis、Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus及C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis,而有些專一棲息於植物篩館組織內細菌如螺旋菌質體、植物菌質體及Candidatus Liberibacter spp.。X. fastidiosa引起超過19個重要病害,其中葡萄皮爾斯併及柑橘斑駁黃化病為二個主要典型病例,曾經造成葡萄釀酒及柑橘果汁加工產業重大損失。L. xyli subsp. xyli及L. xyli subsp. cynodontis分別為引起甘蔗宿根矮化病及百慕達草矮化症之病原,C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus會引起馬鈴薯細菌性輪腐病及C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis會引起番茄細菌性潰瘍病。螺旋菌質體為引起柑橘停滯生長、玉米矮化及日日春等病害之病原。植物菌質體在全世界被認為是引起超過500個病害之相關病原。Ca. Liberibacter spp.被認為會引起柑橘黃龍病(別名柑橘綠化症)、馬鈴薯薯片斑紋病及其他病害。本文將論述X. fastidiosa一般特性,包括科學化分類屬性、寄主範圍、引起之病害種類、細菌型態及大小、特殊培養基需求性、病徵學、世界地理分佈及媒介昆蟲傳播病害等。美國東南地區墨西哥灣沿岸地區從德克薩斯到卡羅萊納等州建立龐大葡萄釀酒產業體系,導致葡萄皮爾斯病普遍發生,近年來加州地區人為引入媒介昆蟲褐透翅尖頭葉蟬,已對該地區葡萄釀酒產業造成極大衝擊。本文也將會討論從罹病柑橘斑駁黃化病徵組織分離X. fastidiosa病原之生物學意義及進一步鑑定主要媒介昆蟲。包括螺旋菌質體、植物菌質體及Ca. Liberibacter spp.等三種侷限篩管原核生物之生物學特性、引起之病害種類及媒介昆蟲將一併討論。大部份植物病原原核生物並不需要藉由媒介昆蟲從事植物間病原擴散,但是X. fastidiosa、Ralstonia syzygii、Ca. Liberibacter spp.、螺旋菌質體及植物菌質體等則需要藉由媒介昆蟲傳播病原至健康植物。目前所有已知媒介昆蟲中能成功傳播病害者大部份隸屬於半翅目昆蟲,過去30年許多研究學者已在不少回顧專題完整記錄植物病原原核生物引起作物病害並詳細論述其生物學、生態學、媒介昆蟲相關性與流行病學,本文僅就營養苛求原核生物之媒介昆蟲引起重要植物病害之意義作回顧論述。


Phytopathogenic fastidious prokaryotes are plant pathogens that either resist to grow in any available bacterial culture media or require specific or enriched media to grow. They include Xylella fastidiosa, Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli, L. xyli subsp. cynodontis and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus and C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis that reside in xylem and spiroplasmas, phytoplasmas and Candidatus Liberibacter spp. that reside in phloem. X fastidiosa is the causal agent of more than 19 diseases; among them Pierce's disease of grape and citrus variegated chlorosis are two major maladies that cause serious economic loss on wine and citrus juice industry. L. xyli subsp. xyli, and L. xyli subsp. cynodontis are associated with ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane and Bermuda grass stunting respectively and C. michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus with bacterial ring rot in potato and C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis with bacterial tomato canker. Spiroplasmas are the causal agents of citrus stubborn, corn stunt and periwinkle diseases. Phytoplasmas are associated with more than 500 diseases worldwide. Ca. Liberibacter spp., are the causal agents of citrus Huanglongbing or citrus greening, zebra chip disease of potato and others. General characteristics of X fastidiosa including (i) its scientific classification, host ranges and diseases incited, and cell shape and size, (ii) specific and enriched media for X fastidiosa, (iii) symptoms induced by X fastidiosa, (iv) geographic distribution of X. fastidiosa, and (v) the insect vectors that transmit the diseases will be discussed. Pierce's disease is the limiting factor for the establishment of wine industry for the entire southeastern United States from Texas to the Carolinas along the gulf coast of Mexico. Recent introduction of the glassy-winged sharpshooter leafhoppers in California has threatened the winery industry of California. The successful isolation of X. fastidiosa from the tissues with citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) symptoms followed by the identification of the major insect vectors provided crucial information for citrus growers and citrus juice industry to deal with the CVC crisis in Brazil. The biological characteristics of the three phloem-limited prokaryotes, namely spiroplasmas, phytoplasmas and Ca. Liberibacter spp., and the diseases they induce and their vectors will be discussed. Most plant pathogenic prokaryotes do not require an active insect vector to spread them from plants to plants, while X. fastidiosa, Ralstonia syzygii, Ca. Liberibacter spp., phytoplasmas, and spiroplasmas do. To date among all known vectors, the single most successful insects vectoring the diseases belong to the Order of Hemiptera. In the past three decades, researches have emphatically addressed the biology, ecology, vector relationships and epidemiology of crop diseases caused by plant pathogenic prokaryotes which were well documented in numerous review articles. Herein a review of the significance of the insect vectors of fastidious prokaryotes that cause diseases of important crops is to be addressed.

主题分类 生物農學 > 植物學