


A Study of Service Quality Satisfaction-An Empirical Study of in Air Force Engine Overhaul Shop


池文海(Wen-Hai Chih);林憬(Jing Lin);蔣文正(Wen-Jeng Jang)


服務品質 ; 組織效能 ; 顧客滿意度 ; Service Quality ; Organizational Performance ; Customer Satisfaction




13卷3期(2006 / 09 / 01)


257 - 276




由於科技進展的快速,軍事裝備的複雜度日益提高,若發動機工廠沒有一套良好及有效的實體裝備管理方法,將會使裝備非預期的故障情況提昇。因此,軍工廠如何在有限人力與物力的情況下,提高修護分隊的滿意為主要的課題。 本研究採用簡單隨機抽方式針對空軍修護工廠之各發動機維護分隊進行問卷發放與回收。探討修護工廠的服務品質滿意度,研究發現:(1)不同的服務品質與組織效能在顧客滿意度上具有顯著差異;「可靠性」,「保證性」、「關懷性」、「回應性」對顧客滿意度的確有顯著影響;(2)在服務品質層面上分析其因素後發現發動機維修分隊人員認為「回應性」最為重要;(3)發動機維修分隊人員的會因為「軍階高低」的不同而對修護工廠所提供的服務品質有顯著的不同;(4)在組織效能層面上認為提高「目標達成率」將可以提升滿意度。藉著以上發現可提供修護工廠管理階層規劃改善服務品質與提升顧客滿意度措施的重要依據。


With the science and technology develops rapidly, the complications of the military equipment enhances increasingly, if Air Force engine overhaul shop to operate without a set of good and valid entity equipment management method, it will make the condition of the unexpected breakdown of the equipment to promote. Therefore, under the condition of the limited manpower and the material resources how the military factory to raises the customers' satisfaction has became a main topic. This study conducts a customers' satisfaction survey by carries on a questionnaire and uses simply and random sampling way is attempt to look for the relationship between service quality and customers' satisfaction in Air Force engine overhaul shop. The result indicated: (1) The interaction of the service quality and the organizational performance of overhaul shop and customers' satisfaction had significant difference; ”reliability”, ”assurance”, ”empathy”, ”responsiveness” really has influence to the customers' satisfaction; (2) In service quality construct, the customers to think the ”responsiveness” is an most important factor; (3) The different of customers' military rank has significant difference to the service quality of engine overhaul shop; (4) In service quality construct, to enhance ”the rate of target completion” to will be able to promote the customers' satisfaction. By the result of this study, hoped to provide the management of engine overhaul shop a important basis for improve the service quality and promote the customers' satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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