


The Study on the Relationships among the Factors of Internal Service Quality, Service Ability, Job Satisfaction and External Service Quality-The Case of Nurse


盧淵源(Iuan-Yuan Lu);鄭玉惠(Yu-Hui Cheng)


內部服務品質子 ; 服務能力 ; 工作滿意度 ; 外部服務品質 ; internal service quality ; service ability ; job satisfaction ; external service quality




14卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


161 - 179




台灣全民健保制度的推行,使得醫療產業逐年擴大。現今醫療產業在產品及服務流程的設計上,同質性愈來愈高,在有形的產品及服務流程上難已區分的同時,顧客僅能以醫療服務人員傳遞的服務來區別這些機構的差異,內部人員功能品質與反應成為一項具有差異性與競爭優勢的決定性資源,如果員工沒有從他們的公司內接受到好的服務,就無法對外部顧客提供高品質的服務水準。但國內此一議題研究多以探索性研究為主,或經由過去文獻的資料推論之;另外,也有部份研究進行實證調查,但其描述多以敘述性統計為主。 本研究利用文獻探討、深入訪談及調查研究來確認內部服務品質因子、服務能力因子及外部服務品質因子。整理後,得到以下結論:(1)確認護理人員內部服務品質因子、服務能力、外部服務品質;(2)確認護理人員個人變項對內部服務品質與服務能力、工作滿意與外部服務品質之影響及四變項之間關係;(3)確認內部服務品質透過服務能力與工作滿意影響外部服務品質。


In Taiwan, the government has advanced the system of medical insurance, so the need of medical treatment is expanding. Because it is difficult to distinguish the differences between hospitals on both tangible product and service procedure, the most important is service of employee. And most of the researchers agree that only satisfied employees can create satisfied customers. The measurement of internal service quality was hardly mentioned. Some researcher paid attention to this topic to discussed the significance of internal service quality from other researches or their own observation. But we need more information about it, this research tries to find the factors of internal service quality and explores the relationship between the internal service quality, the job satisfaction, the service ability and external service quality. After interviewing nurses, we integrated the data of the interviews and the exploration of other research papers to develop the questionnaire. And we induce the following results: (1) To identification the factors of internal service quality, service ability and external service quality; (2) To identification that the different personal characteristic may brings out different recognition of factors internal service quality, service ability and external service quality; (3) For full model, the structure of model is fit except the direct relationship between internal service quality and external service quality about employee. We think the relationship is transmitted by job satisfaction and service ability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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