


The Exploration of the Relationship between Dental Clinics' Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction-A Example of a Dental Clinics' Association in Southern Taiwan


李婉怡(Wan-I Lee);吳靜宜(Ching-Yi Wu);林佳慧(Chia-Hui Lin)


服務品質 ; PZB服務品質量表SERVQUAL ; 顧客滿意度與醫療機構 ; Service quality ; PZB SERVQUAL ; Customer satisfaction ; Healthcare institutes




14卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


181 - 196




自民國八十四年全民健康保險制度實施後,醫療院所數目急速擴增。健保局為有效管理醫療資源,多次修改醫療給付制度,如實施「總額預算制度」與「部分負擔方案」等,使得國內醫療市場競爭日趨激烈。同時,伴隨著經濟的成長與生活品質的提升,消費者不再只關心醫護人員的專業技術,對於醫療品質的期望與要求也越來越高。因此,若能強化醫療服務品質將有助於醫療院所建立口碑、增加病患滿意度與其忠誠度,進而提升醫療院所之競爭優勢。 本研究以服務品質之期望與顧客滿意的理論為基礎,參照PZB服務品質SERVQUAL量表,以建立適用於牙醫聯盟診所的服務品質評估指標並深入探討影響其服務品質與顧客滿意度之相關因子。研究以南部某牙醫聯盟診所之顧客為研究對象,透過問卷調查及因素分析萃取出五個服務品質構面及二十八個項目,其構面命名依次為「診所服務措施」、「診所應具備之看診條件」、「醫師診療態度」、「診所醫療人員服務態度」、「診所整體環境」,以建立適用於牙醫聯盟診所的服務品質評估指標。研究結果發現,「顧客人口統計變數」與「顧客行為特性」對「整體滿意度」存在部分顯著差異關係;而「認知的服務品質」對「整體滿意度」有顯著差異關係。


The National Health Insurance (NHI) program in Taiwan was first established on March 1 in 1995. Since then, the number of healthcare institutes has dramatically increased. During this period, the Bureau of National Health Insurance (hereafter, BNHI) modified the NHI payment system such as global budgeting system and co-payment system so the increase the efficiencies of managing medical resources. Meanwhile, demands of high quality and service on medical care have also grown in customers' mind. Under such a competitive environment, how healthcare institutes can take the advantage of competitiveness has become an urgent topic. This research applied SERVQUAL scale (Parasuraman et al., 1988) and theory of consumer perceptions of service quality and customer satisfaction to develop a scale for measuring dental service and explore influencing factors between dental service quality and customer satisfaction. Customers from a dental clinics' association in southern Taiwan were selected to fill in the questionnaires which consist of 28 questions and 5 components including Clinic's service policy, requirement for outpatient service, dentists' service attitude, staffs' service attitude, and clinic's environment. The result reveals that demographic statistics of customers and customer behavior characteristics have positive influence on total satisfaction. Furthermore, perceived service quality significantly affects total satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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