


The Impact of Corporate Culture and ISO Quality System Promotion on Organization Performance


湯玲郎(Ling-Lang Tang);林李旺(Li-Wang Lin)


ISO 9000 ; 企業文化 ; 績效管理 ; 全面品質管理 ; ISO 9000 ; Corporate culture ; Performance management ; Total quality management




14卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


251 - 265




企業不論是來自內部的需求或外部客戶採購政策的要求,大都認為實施ISO 9000管理體系可以提升產品品質、降低重製與報廢率、提高企業生產力等。本文從相關文獻暨廠商訪談設計出調查問卷,經由251份廠商回收問卷驗證企業文化與推行ISO 9000對組織績效顯者的影響。從調查結果發現企業導入ISO 9000的動機與推行ISO 9000投入過程對於組織績效也有顯著相關。此外,本文也發現不同公司其推行ISO 9000之成效差異頗大,這可能是不同公司的企業文化差異性所造成。所以企業在推動品質改善時,需要考量企業文化特性配合內部管理制度,調整推行ISO 9000方式,才能夠提昇企業的營運績效。


No matter the request is coming from internal or external customer's purchasing policy, most enterprises think that implementing ISO 9000 management system can improve the quality of the products, reduce the ratio of rework and scrap, and improve the productivity etc. This paper designs the questionnaire based on relevant literatures and the interviews with manufacturers. Via the returned 251 questionnaires, we verify that corporate culture and ISO 9000 promotion have significant impact on organization performance. The investigation result shows that the motivation of ISO 9000 introduction and implementation process of ISO 9000 have significant relation with organization performance too. In addition, we also find that the outcomes of ISO 9000 implementation are quite different among enterprises. This may be caused by the discrepancy of enterprise culture of different companies. Therefore, in order to improve the operation performance, the enterprises need to consider the characteristics of their corporate culture and adjust their internal management system while promoting ISO 9000.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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