


Integrating Two-Dimension Model into Quality Function Deployment-An Empirical Investigation on Vocational Education Services


張旭華(Hsu-Hwa Chang);呂鑌洧(Pin-Wei Lu)


Kano模式 ; 服務品質 ; 品質機能展開 ; 高等技職教育 ; Kano model ; Service quality ; Quality function deployment ; Higher vocational educations




14卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


405 - 421






In this study we investigate what students' quality perceived that receive from higher vocational schools. Unlike other traditional approaches of measuring product or service quality, we use the method that integrates the Kano model into the quality function deployment (QFD) to identify the critical quality elements. This study surveys students' perceived by using a questionnaire consists of 33 educational service quality factors. We classify the quality factors according to Kano categories and calculate the satisfaction increment index (SII) and dissatisfaction decrement index (DDI), and apply those indices to compute the weights of the QFD for a better understanding of the voice of the customer (VOC). To do so, QFD engineers can use the analytical results to build the house of quality (HOQ) and to further identify the critical quality techniques.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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