


Case Study of Education Quality in a University of Technology-Using Two-Dimensional Kano Method


劉明盛(Mean-Shen Liu)


二維模式 ; 教育品質 ; 滿意指標 ; Kano two-dimensional model ; education quality ; satisfaction indicators




15卷1期(2008 / 02 / 01)


39 - 61






Education quality is an important factor to university competitiveness, particularly on the environment of low birth rate and increasing the number of university. How to advance education quality becomes priority task to school management. The study applies Kano model to understand educational needs and improve its problems. The difference of educational quality needs on each group students is analyzed. According to the scores of satisfaction indicators, the attributes of education quality are classified to clarify students' educational needs and to improve students' education quality and university competitiveness. There are some conclusions of this study explored: different groups of students tend to have different classifications on quality attributes based on Kano two-dimensional quality model of education quality; all of students have similar opinions to satisfaction indicators of education quality improvement; different groups of students to the elements of education quality are significant different; finding the significant factors of education quality to provide guideline for schools when developing operations; incorporating the results of satisfaction indicators to indicate the degree of increase/decrease for each factor which can provide the guidelines for schools to improve their education quality by choosing the efficient and effective factors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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