


Fuzzy Analytical Approach to Prioritize Design Requirements in Quality Function Deployment


翁明珠(Ming-Chu Weng);蕭瑞民(Jui-Min Hsiao);蔡澄雄(Cheng-Hsiung Tsai)


品質機能展開 ; 模糊規劃 ; 區間配對 ; 熵 ; quality function deployment QFD ; fuzzy programming ; interval judgments ; entropy




16卷1期(2009 / 02 / 01)


61 - 71




品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)是一個有效的產品開發和產品改善工具。但礙於QFD規劃過程中,有許多專家的主觀評估和顧客的偏好評價,這些不精確的資訊不適用傳統的點估計法。因此,本研究提出模糊規劃模式來決定適當的設計需求。首先,根據層級分析法(AHP)的兩兩比較法,建構區間配對矩陣,然後提出一個數學規劃模式求解顧客需求的相對重要度,此方法利用「熵」原理找出資訊量最大化的一組權重,同時具有計算的方便性。另一方面,根據品質屋的展開,考慮成本和技術困難性等因素,提出一個模糊線性規劃模式,在顧客滿意度最大化之下,決定設計需求的執行水準,此模式有縮減其不確定性的優點,故在α截距之下找到一個較窄的區間解,此區間解表達了品質屋轉換過程中所有的可能結果,它具有資訊的完整性等特徵。另外,爲了決策者的方便性,本研究利用規劃模式求解一組明確解,以方便決策人員的決策。


Quality function deployment (QFD) is an efficient tool for developing new or improved products with higher customer satisfaction. The uncertain evaluation nature in the product development processes, it is fit to use interval comparison judgments or fuzzy approaches, rather than exact numerical values. In this paper we use pairwise comparison of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain interval judgment matrices. A programming method is proposed, which uses the entropy method of information theory for deriving weight vector of customer requirements. A fuzzy model is then formulated to determine the fulfillment levels of design characteristics for maximizing the customer satisfaction under the resource limitation, technical difficulty and market competition. The design characteristics are specified with internal solutions and scrip solutions for the purpose to provide the QFD team with more information and easy to decision making.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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