


A Concept of Balanced Scorecard for Establishing Resort Hotel's Performance Index-Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process


林士彥(Shih-Yeh Lin);鄭健雄(Jen-Son Cheng)


休閒渡假旅館 ; 平衡計分卡 ; 模糊層級分析 ; resort hotel ; balanced scorecard ; fuzzy AHP




16卷6期(2009 / 12 / 31)


441 - 459






The study uses the concept of the balanced scorecard which consists of four dimensions to develop performance indicators of resort hotel. First, the questionnaires are mailed to the managers of resort hotels in order to find the key factors and indicators. Based on the result, it consists of seven key performance factors. Then, the study applies fuzzy AHP to measure the key factors and indicators’ weights. Finally, a performance appraisal system for resort hotel by indicators is established for reference. The result shows the weights of the most important factors are ”customized service and product (0.2171)” and ”competence of finance gain (0.2055).” The weights of key indicators are ”customer satisfaction (0.0959)” and ”profit growth rate (0.0931).”

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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