


The Study of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Engineers in Engineering Consulting Companies


池文海(Wen-Hai Chih);林憬(Ching Lin);李翠華(Chui-Hua Lee)


工作壓力 ; 工作投入 ; 工作滿足 ; 組織承諾 ; 組織公民行爲 ; job stress ; job involvement ; job satisfaction ; organization commitment ; organizational citizenship behavior




17卷5期(2010 / 10 / 31)


339 - 363






Occasionally, there have been the problems of the engineering disaster for a long time. The quality and security of engineering improves, if the managers of engineering technology consultant industry encourage engineers display the organizational citizenship behavior, such as voluntary performance and altruistic helping. The research examines the influences of job stress, job involvement, job satisfaction, and organization commitment on organizational citizenship for engineers of domestic engineering technology consultant industry. This study collected 649 engineers and adopted Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test proposed model. The results indicate that the most, second, and third significant total effect on organizational citizenship behavior are job involvement, organization commitment, and job satisfaction, respectively. However, job stresses has negatively significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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