
Exploring the Differential Affections of Service Quality, Sacrifice, Perceived Value, and Customer Satisfaction on University Students' Favorable and Unfavorable Behavioral Intentions




許聰鑫(Tsong-Shin Sheu)


品質 ; 付出 ; 價值 ; 滿意 ; 行爲意圖 ; 高等教育 ; quality ; sacrifice ; value ; satisfaction ; behavioral intentions ; higher education




17卷6期(2010 / 12 / 01)


483 - 500






This study investigates the influences of quality, sacrifice, value and satisfaction on student favorable behavioral intentions (FBIs) and unfavorable behavioral intentions (UFBIs). This investigation first constructs the theoretical relationships between quality, sacrifice, value, satisfaction and FBIs/UFBIs, and then designs a survey instrument to gather data from a university. Analytical results reveal that quality, sacrifice, value and satisfaction influence FBIs and UFBIs differently. Quality, sacrifice, value and satisfaction positively influence FBIs in accordance with the multiattribute attitude framework. Meanwhile, the multiattribute attitude framework is not validated for UFBIs model, value and satisfaction were examined not to significantly and directly affect UFBIs. Students who perceive superior education quality, value the learning from university, and feel satisfied with their university are more likely to demonstrate their FBIs. However, delivering high quality and valuable education can satisfy students but cannot restrain student UFBIs in the event of problems occurring. Education managers must consider methods of stimulating student FBIs. Additionally, education managers must also establish an appropriate setting to prevent problems and that are relevant to UFBIs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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