


Green Design Control and Management System Development


宮大川(Dah-Chuan Gong);王鈺婷(Yu-Ting Wang);陳嘉翎(Jia-Ling Cheng)


危害物質限用指令RoHS ; 設計管控 ; 統一塑模語言UML ; RoHS directive ; green design control and management ; Unified Modeling Language




18卷3期(2011 / 06 / 01)


211 - 226




生態環境議題引起各國環保團體深度關切與重視,爲遏止所造成的危害持續成長,促使國際間陸續制定相關的環保法規以因應之,歐美日等先進國家對於此一課題是最早體認的,而其中又以歐盟地區最爲積極。歐盟於2006年7月實施的RoHS指令,對資訊電子產業的衝擊最爲顯著,且爲迎合客戶不一致的綠色環保規格要求,這對資訊電子產品的設計管理更是一項考驗與壓力,故將產品對環境衝擊的影響納入產品設計中已是大勢所趨。因此,本文以RoHS指令爲探討基礎,從產品生命週期能有效地「管控綠色產品品質」著眼,發展綠色設計管控系統,再透過統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)的使用者觀點與視覺化圖形,展現綠色設計管控系統之作業流程及功能,最後,藉由系統分析文件、資料庫模型分析及設計使用者介面以做示範性簡介,供作已導入綠色設計之資訊電子廠商改善原有作業流程時之建議,並給予尚未完全妥善但積極因應綠色設計管控之資訊電子廠商參考,期運用資訊科技的方式,使有效利用資訊,以達到加強綠色設計管控之目的。


Environmental issues have caught the attention of environmental organizations and aroused concern all over the world. America, Japan and countries in Europe have been among the first to recognize the need for a commitment to environmental protection. In July 2006, the European Union implemented the RoHS directive (Restriction of Hazardous Substances). This legislation has brought a great impact on the electronics and information technology industries. To respond to consumer needs and the call for environmental protection, electronic products can no longer be designed exclusively in a function-oriented way. Poor control of products' environmental hazards may lead to problems in areas, such as supplier selection, establishment of control standards during production and the quality of the finished product. This paper adopts the RoHS as the starting point and discusses how a green design control and management system is developed with an aim of achieving effective control over a product's life cycle. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is applied to present the control functions and their workflow in details. Some user interface snapshots are also illustrated to demonstrate the feasibility for future implementation. We hope that by leveraging information technology, information will be utilized effectively to help achieve the ultimate goal of improving green design control.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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