


Study of Decision Variables for Enterprises Information Security Investment




詹前隆(Chien-Lung Chanu);曾淑芬(Shu-Fen Tseng);呂志鴻(Chih-Hung Lu)


資訊安全 ; 投資決策 ; 資安風險指標 ; 風險認知 ; information security ; investment decision ; information security risk index ; risk perception




20卷4期(2013 / 08 / 01)


379 - 401






The increased in information security issues have caused great amount losses to enterprises and have damaged the reputation of those enterprises. In coping with a variety of information security issues, enterprises are always in a dilemma when they need to make investment decisions for information security infrastructure. Managers need to achieve both goals of risk control and cost effectiveness. The aim of this research is to examine the variables influencing enterprises' information security investment decisions. We collected data from decision makers involved in information technology investment through interviews and questionnaires. Factors affecting enterprises information security investment were classified into internal and external factors such as information security manpower, software, hardware, management, outsourcing, and services. Using regression analysis, variables influencing information security investments were found. External environmental factors have no significant effect on enterprises information security investment. Variables that can predict ”information security investment” by the order of beta coefficients are: ”the senior executives' attitude toward control of information security,” ”information security risk index,” ”the scale of enterprise,” and ”the degree of enterprises' technology application.” Consequently, enterprises need to empower the top management to control information security and risk perception to improve the quality of information security decision making. Decision analysis framework is recommended to tradeoff the information security risk control and cost effectiveness of information security investment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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