


The Quality and Shopping Behavior Analysis of Virtual Store




池文海(Wen-Hai Chih);王明展(Ming-Jaan Wang);林俊彥(Chin-Yen Lin);林憬(Ching Lin);蔡鴻玟(Hung-Wen Tsai)


虛擬商店顧客導向 ; 虛擬商店個性 ; 虛擬商店品質 ; 購買意圖 ; 購買行為 ; virtual store ; customer orientation ; personality ; quality ; purchase intention ; purchasebehavior




21卷3期(2014 / 06 / 30)


149 - 171






Previous researches only studied the designs of function level for virtual store, seldom integrated the concept of customer orientation into the management of virtual store. This study takes the concept of customer orientation in the e-commerce environment. Four hundred and nineteen valid respondents were studied and structural equation modeling was adopted to verify the proposed model. Just like the physical store, purchase intention is the most crucial factor of purchase behavior for virtual store. The managers of virtual stores can influence both the purchase intention and purchase behavior of consumers through the customer orientation, personality, quality of virtual store.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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