


The Research of the Relationships among Service Quality, Customer Value, Customer Satisfaction, Word of Mouth Communication, and Customer Loyalty for Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Industry




陳瑞龍(Jui-Lung Chen)


服務品質 ; 顧客價值 ; 顧客滿意 ; 口碑傳播 ; 顧客忠誠 ; service quality ; customer value ; customer satisfaction ; word of mouth communication ; customer loyalty




22卷3期(2015 / 06 / 30)


161 - 182






Bed and breakfast (B&B) industry is a kind of new developing leisure and tour industries in recent years. Along with more and more people take to the leisure vacation, the B&B grows fast every year and competition is getting intense in Taiwan. According to the survey of Taiwan Tourism Bureau, however, there are 4,932 bed and breakfasts in Feb. 2014. This study will explore the relationships among service quality, customer value, customer satisfaction, Word of Mouth communication, and customer loyalty for B&B industry. By using questionnaire survey, the travelers of B&B service were selected as study samples. This study used descriptive statistics analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity analysis, and Structure Equation Model (SEM) to examine the hypothetical model. On the basis of the research results, the concrete and strategic suggestions and references of business management are offered for related B&B service providers as well.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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