






陳至柔(Chih-Jou Chen);許麗玲(Li-Ling Hsu);陳昱衡(Yu-Heng Chen)


網站品質 ; 狩野模式 ; 萃思 ; website quality ; Kano model ; TRIZ




23卷2期(2016 / 04 / 30)


91 - 116




網站品質攸關消費者的體驗價值與滿意度,如何提升網站品質,降低消費者購物抱怨,是很重要的問題。為了改善網站服務品質,在傳統的問題解決方法中,常常會 面臨矛盾的現象,但是萃思(TRIZ)以創新思維,透過建立矛盾矩陣,運用系統性的程序解決特定問題,已成功的運用於工程、管理等領域。TRIZ運用於改善網站服務品質的研究不多,本研究結合"WebQual 4.0" 和"E-SQual"量表,並運用狩野模式(Kano Model)及TRIZ等方法,以線上購買3C產品為例,發展出改善網站服務品質的程序,並以專家訪談,印證TRIZ的可行性。研究結果發現,所提20項創新解決方案,有13項創新方案已經被採用,另外仍有7項創新方案尚未執行。結果顯示,TRIZ的確可以針對電子商務的特定問題,經由發展出一般化的解決程序,解決電子商務領域的特定問題,進而提供實務界一個解決問題的好方法。


The quality of website is highly related to the experience value and satisfaction of the consumers; hence, how to enhance the quality of website and how to reduce consumer's complaint is a very important topic. To improve the service quality of website, contradictory phenomenon is usually encountered in traditional problem solving process; hence, TRIZ has been successfully applied in the engineering and management fields through innovative thinking, through the setup of contradiction matrix and through systematic solving of specific problem. However, there are very few studies in applying TRIZ in the improvement of the quality of website. In this study, we integrated "WebQual4.0" and "E-S-Qual," as a case of online buying 3C products, through the use of Kano Model and TRIZ, to develop solutions for the improvement of the quality of website. We find that 13 of 20 innovative solutions have been adopted and 7 solutions haven't been adopted in 3C websites. The result shows that TRIZ can indeed solve the special problem of the E-Commerce through the development of generalized solving procedure by aiming at the special problem of the E-Commerce; hence, it can provide a very important reference for solving problems for EC companies providing website service.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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