






李冠穎(Kuan-Yin Lee);黃淑姿(Shu-Tzu Huang);許英傑(Yin-Chieh Hsu);汪倢安(Chieh-An Uang)


品牌權益 ; 環境品質 ; 互動品質 ; 交易品質 ; 品牌關係品質 ; brand equity ; environment quality ; interactivity quality ; transaction quality ; brand relationship quality




23卷4期(2016 / 08 / 30)


264 - 279






Online brand building has become a proliferation strategy for many Internet firms and is changing the operation strategy of many online stores. Previous research into online store has primarily focused on building e-service quality while missing the big picture that e-service quality is the basis element that forms a relationship between customers and the online store brand. The goal of this article is based on the brand triangle theory to extend the analysis of e-service quality and better understand how that quality affects both brand relationship and brand equity. A conceptual framework for brand equity building is proposed and empirically tested. The result shows transaction quality and interactive quality positively affects brand relationship quality. Brand equity is enhanced by transaction quality, interactive quality, and brand relationship quality. The study found empirical support for online brand practitioners and suggests effective tools to help them develop stronger online brand equity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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