






林正士(Cheng-Shih Lin);周軒逸(Hsuan-Yi Chou)


服務品質 ; 服務補救期望 ; 旅運涉入 ; 小三通 ; service quality ; expectations for service recovery ; travel-transportation involvement ; Mini-Three Links




24卷1期(2017 / 02 / 28)


60 - 79






Since the implementation of the Mini-Three Links on January 1st, 2001, travel on the Taiwan-Kinmen-Xiamen Mini-Three Links has become the major mode of transportation for the Taiwanese as they travel from one side of the Taiwan Straits to the other. This study focuses on the concept of travel-transportation involvement in the Mini-Three Links, exploring the effects of possible antecedents (including the service quality of sea and air transportation and the expectations for service recovery) on different involvement dimensions (including behavioral involvement and social-psychological involvement, which is composed of attraction, centrality to lifestyle and self expression). The participants of this study were passengers who were using the Mini-Three Links service. Questionnaires were distributed at Kinmen Shangyi Airport and Shuitou port, the two necessary terminals for traveling through the Mini-Three Links. 616 questionnaires were distributed. After elimination of the invalid questionnaires, a total of 380 valid questionnaires were recovered, and the effective response rate was 61.7%. The result of path analysis in the structural equation model showed that the antecedents had significant effects on the dimensions of travel-transportation involvement, while different antecedents had unique effects as well. Service quality of sea transportation positively affected behavioral involvement, while service quality of air transportation had a positive effect on attraction and centrality to lifestyle. The expectation of tangible recovery positively affected centrality to lifestyle and self expression. The expectation of intangible recovery had a negative effect on behavioral involvement and self expression. Based on these results, related theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for future studies are proposed at the end of this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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