






郭奕妏(Yi-Wen Kuo);謝承憲(Cheng-Hsien Hsieh)


logistics service quality ; fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) ; service failure ; service recovery ; repurchase intention ; 物流服務品質 ; 模糊認知圖 ; 服務失誤 ; 服務補救 ; 再購意願




26卷1期(2019 / 02 / 28)


23 - 41




The service quality of online shopping logistics substantially affects the satisfaction and loyalty of the customer. This study determines the critical antecedents of online shopping logistics service quality based on a survey of the literature and cognitive maps, in which the interdependencies and feedback loops between the factors affecting logistics service quality are discussed through expert questionnaire. According to the results of systematic analysis, reliability and timeliness are the most crucial factors in logistics service quality. These factors are then employed to develop the scenarios of service failure. Statistical methods are used to discuss the effects of service recovery after online shopping logistics service failure on the satisfaction and repurchase intention of consumer. Results from the analysis of 434 effective responses show that recovery strategies significantly increase the level of customer satisfaction after service failure, but may not be effective at improving repurchase intention after failure in both timeliness and reliability.



主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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