






邱道生(Tao-Sheng Chiu);Jaime Ortiz;謝閺隆(Ming-Long Sie)


corporate reputation ; recovery service ; avoidance ; repurchase intention ; switch ; 企業聲譽 ; 服務補救 ; 迴避 ; 再購意圖 ; 轉換




26卷3期(2019 / 06 / 30)


186 - 206




This study investigates the mediation effects of service recovery and avoidance on the relationship between corporate reputation and behavioral intentions. The respondents of this study were Taiwanese foods consumers. This study collected data from 289 respondents and analyzed the data by using a structural equation modeling (SEM). The results confirm the appropriateness of the proposed model. This study indicates that corporate reputation has a significant and positive effect on service recovery and repurchase intention. Corporate reputation has a significant and negative effect on avoidance and while service recovery has a significant and negative effect on switch. Avoidance has a significant and positive effect on switch. Service recovery is a partial mediator between corporate reputation and repurchase intention/switch. Avoidance is a partial mediator between corporate reputation and switch. This study demonstrates that a firm with a good reputation tends to make a service recovery and seldom avoids its responsibility in order to prevent a switch in consumers' behaviors and reduce the negative effect of a crisis.



主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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